Structure was great, sounds all fitted, vocals were fine, no problem with basses or leads, synths were great, background piano was also great.
Good work, might download =]
10/10 5/5
Structure was great, sounds all fitted, vocals were fine, no problem with basses or leads, synths were great, background piano was also great.
Good work, might download =]
10/10 5/5
The bass could use lots of fixing. It doesn't change a single note throughout the song and also doesn't stop or start at any points either. It starts to get annoying. At about 1:12 I think you could have cut out the bass until 1:36, it would have sounded good. That bass doesn't sound good without a kick by its side. Anyway, the drums were placed in the right order. Percussion was fine, arps could have been altered in parts (same goes with the bass). I think the actual tune could have changed aswell, it seems very repetitive by the end of the song. The use of effects was good, hats were fine, pads weren't too bad.
Yeah.. thats all I've got, song wasn't too bad.
3/5 6/10
Be sure to check out my new trance song, it's only a demo at the moment but I'm look for criticism so I can make it better by the time I finish it. It's called Feeling Trance.
its a very good trance beat, but yeah i should of worked more on the bass....
i was too lazy btw lol, and who gives a fuck
Needs some improvement
This song is called Fest Folk by Basshunter if I'm not wrong. It came out a while ago, probably like a year ago. Basshunter posted the notes of the song on youtube and from there the remixes went crazy. It's a good song and I still love to listen to it.
As for your song, I think you could have improved the organ like sound that went throughout the song. If you can't find anything that sounds right add effects from the effects mixer in FL.
All the notes were fine, the bass was alright, still could have added effects there. The clap didn't sound right, it was too quiet and ordinary. The kick sounded like the default fl kick.
Try look out for sample packs on the internet. If you widen your access to sounds you can improve your songs by far.
Just realized that the name you called this song is referring to a new version of the basshunter song you've made. Oh well ^^ lol
Overall good work, keep it up.
Be sure to check out my songs, see if I need any improvements. =]
8/10 3/5
Hi Dj-Brand0 :)
Thanks for your review.
Atm i use the demo version of Fl studio, because i havent bought it yet lol, anyway you said something about sample packs. Is it possible to download those sample packs to the demo version? Oh and because i use demo, i cant save any of my projects, and work on them later :=(
I know the clap was low, but i dont really know how to make it louder :/
And about the effects mixer, i have no idea how to use it, (i am very new to FL hehe).
Oh and the kick was the "Hard kick" from Sytrus btw.
Again thx for your review, your music sounds great :)
All the notes are pretty much right. The main sound you used throughout the whole song which followed the melody started to get repetitive. If you widen your selection of sounds it would improve your songs by heaps, personally I think the FL defaults are really plain. PM me and I might be able to get you a hold of some new sound packs and stuff.
Ruddy88 said it all, cant really think of much else to add.
4/5 9/10
Percussion! =D
This is much better than the original, although it isn't trance it's still good.
Great that you put percussion into this song, sounds way better. The saw you used for the main tune sounds good, sounds like something out of nexus. Although the internal effect the saw has made it sound bad, for example at 0:52 where the saw-main tune was introduced. There are more saws in nexus that sound similar to the one you used, maybe you should experiment with them. ;)
I'll give this 10/10 4/5
Maybe check out my songs, might be your style.
great song but...
This sounds great, love the trance. The piano melody kept me listening..
BUT where is the percussion?... hats, (i hear the kicks) but where's the claps, rides, crashes etc. (I think i heard some crashes but they were very quiet)
Without the percussion it makes your song very bleak.
Still overall sounds good, but there are corrections to be made in this song.
7/10 4/5
bit distorted =\ but still good
Yeah it's a bit distorted, the kick and the lead don't fully work together but, it's not my style I could be wrong =] Overall it's pretty good, there's some change in the tune so it's not so repetitive, but at the start change some of the melody so it leads up from an intro.
i know what u mean by distorted xD but...
at the time i've made this beat... my head was just
disoriented xD so i just made it without thinking O_o
drugs are baad xD
i'm gonna look what i can do at the intro...
thx 4 da review
I r maekz music nao?
Age 32, Male
Deakin University
Melbourne, Australia
Joined on 5/23/08