Hey everyone, felt like updating my blog with a new post. So here's my latest.
This weekend was Easter and we went up to Lake Eildon, which is damnnn empty, but still there was enough to swim and go fishing. Yeah anyway, we went up there Friday morning and we ended up in a caravan park lol. We were supposed to go out in the bush but like.. we had a look and it was way too rocky.. so we went back n found a caravan park. Lucky there was only like 2 spots left. But yerrrr.. Was pretty good.. had some fires, met some people. Got home today, didn't feel too good, but lol yous don't care about that :P
This week I gotta do heaps of homework, get better, catch up with friends.. and a few more things.
I wanna get time to make some songs but I got other stuff to do at the moment.
Went fishin today caught 3 nice size Murray crays. They were alright eating.. but yabbies shitloads better
Hope ya had a good one.
couldnt find your new song or what ever :(
maybe im ujst blind XD
Lol you should find it easy now :D