Totally some awesome skillz! ;)
Posible even shuffling better than me!! (I am ashamed :#) xD
Means, I gotta do it some more. :D
I r maekz music nao?
Age 32, Male
Deakin University
Melbourne, Australia
Joined on 5/23/08
Totally some awesome skillz! ;)
Posible even shuffling better than me!! (I am ashamed :#) xD
Means, I gotta do it some more. :D
:D madd
Nice vid! I shuffle too I'll have to post one up.
Nice, yeah man. Love to see.
Thx vm
Your upper body seems really stiff, but other than that seems pretty well, keep practising!
I would show a video if i had a camera :3
Hmm yeah, I kinda learnt the basics of cwalking before shuffling and I just never got the jist of arm movements through that.
Brandon once again I'd like to say 1000 times thanks for the banner you've made for me! It means allot for me, and I appreciate it. I just can't thank you enough. ;)
Good luck on your producing and the best wishes from me.
No problem man. Anytime.
I love it :D You're almost exactly at the same level as me :D I'm starting to learn the arms mouvement but damn that's hard to think of the right speed, right feet mouvement and right arms mouvement at the same time but yeah, I'm still learning. I even got myself some Phatt Pants xD
I'll make a vid when I'll get a camera that can record for more than 45 seconds xD
Nice. I cant be stuffed buying phat pants. I dont really shuffle so there's no point. I wanna get a PHD hoodie though, they're madd. otions/hoodieback/hoodyback1.jpg
But yeahh. :D You just need to know the tempo right and you can improvise on the spot. Because I make music and shit, makes it really easy :D lol.
Cheers man. Cant wait to see u shufflin lol XD
LOL! Man haha shuffling...xD. I never tried shuffling or anything before so i wouldnt know if this is good or bad lol. Nice camera shaking effect lol. You should see Moonboy or w/e his name is. He's pretty wild xD. Well keep it up :D lol
Yeah moonboy's pretty nice, but yeah. Short people look madd shuffling.
Thanks man.
I'd love to learn this but idk if I can with a injury on my knee I've had since sophomore year HS. Anyways keep up the great shuffling skillz lol xD very awesome man.
Aww =\ Bad luck..
lol thanks man
Way better than I do ahhaha ;D
Hahah you shuffle? :D Nice.
Nice skills dude, I can only do running man haha!
Hahah nice :P I can do a few, melb shuffle and maybe reverse shuffle but as u can see im shit lol XD
I Still Haven't Posted Anything On This 0.o lol.
Agreed, You Look "Good" Kind Of :D
Check My Post Out.. The Video On That.
You'll see :D
Yeahh that video's nice XD lol
nice shufflin skillz! Send me sum of ur music. lol
Lol why don't you just download it from here?
unfortunatly i cant suffle due to a lack of ability to practice hard enough lol but my brother does and he said to lift your knees a bit more to make it look a bit more "hardstyle" (not that he seems to but w/e) <a href=""> </a> is his cahnnelif you wanna haves a kool at his skillz rofl
Hmm i do try that but I kinda like my style. But now I've kinda changed it since I made this vid because I saw how bad it looks when u hardly have any arm movements lol.
Nice shuffle!
No one in England where I live has ever even heard of it, except for this one lad I saw doin it in a club and I joined in. Even though I'm shit but I was drunk and it was fun. And he was surprised to see someone else who knew what it was!!
PS. This is the first ever time I've commented on a artists news post thing. Weeee
Hmm England no shuffle?.. alrightt. Shuffling in australia used to be really big like 3 years ago. Now it's really toned down. People still shuffle at clubs and stuff, but much less than when it was popular.
Woooo first comment! :D lol congrats
lmao ! is that u ? u look good ;D.. (not in the gay way - but in the dance way) XD.
Dj-Brand0 (Updated )
Haha thanks man.